Magyar Club of Dayton

P.O. Box 63 Englewood 45322

American First - Hungarian Always

NOTE: : IMPORTANT: Our Club Meeting will be at the Czeck-Slovak Club until further notice. Construction has begun at McAuley Hall. PLEASE DO NOT FORGET! Czech Slovak Club on valley St.!!!! See you there.

Click on the following to Check out what is coming our way!:

Newsletter 3rd Qtr 2024

List of Events Happening in 2024

Special Thanks to (click on logo for website)
Please support the following Sponsors of the EEHE:


Our August 1st, 1 PM Club Meeting at the Czech Slovak Club - Entree: CeCe Drought will make one of her Filipino Delights!
There will at least four signup sheets for volunteers: (Baking 29th 10:30 AM Gail's House, Cops Nite Out helpers, and Gulyas Fest & we need a committee formed to handle the "Heritage Dinner/Dance in November!) )

NOTE: McAulley Hall is undergoing remodeling and will be open probably in the Fall/early winter.
More information as it becomes available - including dates.

We need our members to come to the current meetings - if we are to partake in the bazaars, in the cops nite out, have our annual heritage dinner/dance - we need members to show up at the meeting and volunteer some of their time. It's very important, so please, come and partipate on Sunday the 1st of August...and keep our heritage alive!

The Happening Page has been updated with 2024 meetings and events!
Click to see page!

The SPONSOR PAGE has been updated for our current sponsors of the 2023 Heritage Dinner Dance! Please visit the page and suppport our sponsors!
Click to see page!

The 2024 EEHE Event was a success! See our info on 2024!

Vote is in! Rob's in Brookville took the vote. December 1st, 2 PM we will meet at Rob's for our Christmas Dinner. Cost: $20. More info to come later in the year!

Hungarian classes via Zoom have taken a break.

All the links to different pages, our Heritage Dinner sponsors, etc. will be in Green - as you hover over them, they turn red. These are links and will take you to another page when you click on them.


About Us

Information about our club, meeting dates and times, Events we enjoy, become a member...... More Info


Things that were discussed at the meeting, Our Events and all the info about them, things that will happen soon..... More Info

Our Heritage

Links to our Eastern European Heritage, things to do and see..... More Info

Our Sponsors

Support our sponsors - they help us to bring you the Spring Dinner/Dance..... More Info

See you April 27, 2024..... More Info

Archived Events

Previous years events..... More Info

Contact Us

Send us an email, Follow us on Facebook..... More Info